Laboratory room illustration

Microbiome Testing Client
& Management Platform

The digital platform covers the ERP process from end to end to provide gut microbiome testing services for B2C, B2B, and Business-to-Research (B2R) by managing everything from backend operations to each target group, seamlessly integrating data.
The platform consists of various solutions focusing on AI-Ready Data Curation and Traceability throughout the supply chain of products (sample collection kits), from generating sample kit codes, registering sample kits with service recipients, initiating and tracking test orders, when samples are received in the laboratory for analysis, to issuing and delivering test reports to each customer group's account.
Additionally, the platform is designed to support data recording to create a gut microbiome database in Thailand for use in Medical AI analysis or other related works.
With a design that supports individual customers (B2C), corporate customers (B2B), and researchers (B2R), the system's foundation is clearly separated, allowing it to be used in various locations and devices through a web application, considering ease, convenience, and speed for users.
6 Key Systems
Working together excellently to provide the best service
B2C for End-Client
  • Register sample collection kits
  • Manage digital consent documents and PDPA
  • Track test submissions and view test reports
  • Record data for testing
  • Manage accounts and test submissions for minors
B2B for Partner to Serve End-Client
  • Manage agencies and personnel within the organization
  • Register organization clients
  • Register sample collection kits
  • Manage digital consent documents and PDPA
  • Track test submissions and view test reports
  • Define the workflow of test orders
B2R for Researcher
  • Register sample collection kits
  • Manage digital consent documents and PDPA
  • Track test submissions and view reports
  • Record data for research
  • Register research participants
  • Manage research projects and personnel
Lab Management
  • Receive and forward sample collection kits via QR Code/Data Matrix
  • Manage test orders
  • Import analysis results data
  • Issue reports and sign documents in a hierarchical manner
  • Record and manage data ready for AI solutions
B2B for Partner Management
  • Manage organization clients such as hospital chains, wellness centers, and clinics
  • Manage agencies and personnel of organization clients
  • Control the provision of web applications for organization clients in a Multi-Tenant manner
  • Manage inventory
  • Create and track product status with QR Code/Data Matrix
  • Manage customer relationships (CRM)
  • Dashboard displaying an overview of services
Core Features We Provide for You ...
Digital Content and Report
Convenient and fast, reduce paper waste with a digital document system, easy to sign and supports hierarchical signing, sent directly to customers via email or SMS
Track the status of test kits in detail from start to finish, know every location and time used for every test order
Streamline Operation and Data Handling
Elevate your business, streamline processes seamlessly through efficient and accurate data management
QR Code/Data Matrix
Warehouse management integrated with QR Code/Data Matrix technology on products, convenient for tracking, preventing human errors
SMS/E-mail with OTP Authentication
Convenient identity verification with One-Time Password (OTP) sent via SMS or E-mail, no need to procure external software
B2B Client Management and Controlling
Manage corporate customer data and oversee web application services for corporate customers conveniently and easily through the web interface
Microbiome platform's multi-tenant diagram
Business Partner (BP)
Management Console
Easily manage partner organization data and their customers through the web interface, including creating, installing, and monitoring the service of each partner organization's web application. Each partner organization can have its own independent application with different workflows to provide gut microbiome testing services.

This system is suitable for businesses operating in both B2B and B2B2C models. Examples of partner organizations include large hospital chains, hospitals, wellness centers, and clinics.
Multi-Tenant BP Client
Management and Controlling
The system consists of 2 applications
[1] Partner Management Console Application
[2] Partner's Point-of-Service Application
for partners to use in providing gut microbiome testing services to their own customers

With the first web application (1) coming with a control system for partner organizations' web applications, and the second (2) being a Multi-Tenant system. No matter how many partners need to be managed, it is not difficult, no technical knowledge is required, and there is no need to rely on IT anymore.
Why Choose Us?
  • Create a new Partner's Point-of-Service Application, update the existing web, or deactivate it in just a few clicks
  • Define different workflows for each partner's application
  • Customize user permissions to fit your partners
  • Support customization of web application interfaces, including themes and logos
  • Manage cloud resources instantly through the control panel
  • The system integrates with renowned cloud and DNS services such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Cloudflare, etc.
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on Microbiome Testing Client & Management Platform
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